Thursday, May 17, 2012

Put Em' to Work

Mowing and poo clean up day.   Notice, I'm inside taking this picture.  Got to 93 degrees today.  yuck.  

Been working like crazy on photographing ebay items I've been stashing for months and typing out descriptions.  The plan was to list everything on Sunday for 7 days.  That means they'd be ending on the following Sunday.  Realized after four days of working that that's a stupid holiday weekend!  ARGH.  No one buys things on ebay on holidays!  Oh well, for once I'm ahead of schedule.  Here's a little sample of the stuff.  

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the boys helping with the workload.
    93 degrees!!! Wow! That's 25 more degrees than
    it was here today. We are supposed to get some
    nice weather for a few days but only up to 78.

    Nice items you have ready for e-bay. You've got
    the eye for unusual things.
