Monday, June 4, 2012

Slighty Obsessed...

Okay, so you are probably getting sick of seeing my new obsession, digital art, but I can't help it!  I think they are awesome!  The bull is for John's office, he has a room he calls the bull pen.  Awesome right? The elephant, because I love elephants and the retro girl with striped shirt?  Because retro girls are also awesome.  Ha ha!  

My other new obssession is Chai Latte.  It's half tea, half milk and I found some in the tea aisle one day, bought it and now I love love love it!  My long term goal is to get off pop; however, now that it's summer, I'm not going to try to rush it by any means.  I also have been brewing black iced tea which is also good.  I wish I could find just the right cup to travel with it because I feel so used to the diet coke can.  

My first week back on ebay was mediocre at best.  I made $89.95 so I guess that's better than nothing!  

It's going to be a hot week here.  I sometimes wish I was in Canada year round or Alaska.  Weird.  

1 comment:

  1. I like your art work...only don't think it would go with my decor. Bet the bull will look great in
    the Bull Pen at John's office.

    I have been hitting the Diet Coke big time...only I'm on the 20 oz. bottles now. Bad girl I am.
    I have to have one vice at least , right. You enjoy your tea!!!
