Friday, July 13, 2012

Out of sheer boredom, I parted my hair on the other side. I can't get over the sheer size of my forehead!  

I also can't believe how long it takes me to get a picture that makes my face look thinner. Whatever. Who cares. So what. 

Been jump roping in the garage. Even bought a 70's inspired sweat head band. My legs hurt big time. 

Murphy has the right idea for today, I think I'll follow his lead. 


  1. Oh, my dear girl! Crunch time, is it? I share a little of the same feelings, but my new thought is, "It is what it is." Every day I do the very best I can in all areas, and if that isn't good enough, I give up. I've got to be me! And so do you have to be YOU. All my life I've struggled with not being "good enough" and if I'm not "good enough" after 70 years, I'll never
    be. I love you just the way you are!

    Have a good day, keep cool, and don't fuss about anything today. Okay? Three weeks or so until
    we see each other. What a wonderful time that
    will be with all of you kids/grandkids! Can't wait!

  2. i'd like to see a sweat band shot!
