Monday, January 16, 2012

Paintings Sold….

Good week for paintings last week!  Here are the one's that sold.  The top one is coming back because people are nuts.  The sky was too 'hazy' for them.  Whatevs.  I hate people.  Anyway, I'm really happy with my sales and even though my style may be a bit out of the ordinary, that's what I think people want!

Tuesdays are my ebay days, I'll try and show you my newest creations then.  Congrats to Becky for the iphone conversion.  I don't think you'll regret it!

1 comment:

  1. Alison, you do have a very unique style that is very endearing to me! You have that loose look like I can never get in watercolor. Bunk on the guy who criticized the first painting. I love it!
    You invent things in your head and I can't paint if I have a picture in front of me. Keep up the good work. (I may have to sneak one home when I come.)
