Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog Neglect!

I'm so sorry the blog has become so lax!  lame.  I have yet to get employment but I do have a phone interview tomorrow.  It's everything I don't want.  Cubicle.  Phone.  Customers. Weekend Hours.  Maybe I'll bomb the phone interview and I can continue my search.  The hospital doesn't want me along with Target and since the school district hasn't contacted me in 3 weeks I've figured that's a goner too.  It's hard to find something during school hours!

On my thrifting adventures, stock for ebay is super low.  I did find a treadmill for $25, holler! AND a small version of my dream lamp that costs $3500.00 in the real world but I got for under $20!  holler twice!  I will get the lamp photographed soon!

My hair is still driving me crazy.  I re-colored to tone down the yellow and cut about two inches off the bottom but the bangs are driving me nuts.  I'm obsessed with the way I want them and the fact that it isn't working is a complete downer.  I want to look good for any job interview that may come my way and right now I'm not happy.  Here's a peek.

Hmm..what else is going on around here?  It's cold again and snowed today, blugh.  Oh, happy news, major rain last week and no leaking in the previous leaking spot!  I do believe our roof dilemma is completely fixed!  Of course, by typing that I more than likely jinxed that so nevermind.

I moved the turquoise cabinet that was originally in the entry to the big living room, thoughts?  This picture has a dog toy in it and the curtains on the right side look horrible, oh well, it was just a quick snapshot.  Anyway, there's subtle blue in the rug and behind the orange couch is where my mosaic table is which also has blue.  I kind of like it, makes it look less brown in there but let me know what you think!

So there you have it, a boring and quite dull synopsis of recent news around here!  :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Road Trip!

I'm taking a road trip!  

I'm going to see this little peanut, how lucky am I?  PLUS I get to drive a functioning luxury vehicle! Plus my mom is gonna be there!  Plus it's small town Nebraska with two thrift stores!  I'm looking forward to the change of scenery, alone time driving AND family time equally.  Kudo's to the best father-in-law in the universe for the car!

Nothing is going on around here but cold weather and longing for springtime.  I've applied for three jobs total with the first one practically throwing an email back to me saying no.  Perhaps I've waited too long to work a real job?  Who knows.  The one that interested me the most is at the hospital.  I know, I'm a fainter and don't like hospitals but I want something different and the hours are during school.  I really want a job that doesn't include a telephone, cubicle, customer service, sales, collections and any hours that take too much time away from my favorite thing which is my kids!  That's not too much to ask for is it?  Geez, half the people I see employed around here in basic non-college educated jobs aren't much to brag about if you know what I mean.  

Last week's ebay was stellar!  This ship was unsigned but still sold for $200 and I only paid $10!  Woot Woot!  This week's stash is b.o.r.i.n.g. and no bids.  Weird how timing and inventory works.  

The only thing I've discovered this week is this weird print that totally intrigues me.  Cannot make out the signature but I like the colors and overall weirdness of it.  Marcy - $2 AGAIN.  :)  

Okay, well have a great weekend and comment, I LOVE the comments!  

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bangs? I don't know . . .

Not being a fan of photo's of myself, I'm not sure about these side swept bangs now that I see them on camera!  Oh, the bang / cowlick dilemma rages on.  What are your thoughts?  

Plus do you like my hair lighter, or darker?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

YES, I have this!

I have a favorite web site I visit weekly due to their great ability to set up awesome vignettes for selling their delicious mid-century items.  Well, I have one of their lamps!  YES.  Goodwill find for me, $2 !!!  I knew I'd seen it somewhere before!

ps - mom, this is not my house.  This is a photo from the website I referred to above!  :)

Here's their site if you'd like to peruse. 

pss - a few of my internet gal pals want to see my bangs.  I'm not sure if I'm ready!  eeek!  Maybe tomorrow!