Friday, September 30, 2011

This has to stop!  $15 for this huge black cabinet?  It was a no brainer!  It's HEAVY, can't wait to get it inside and show you where I put it!  

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Check out that sky!  No filters or anything. The weather here continues to be amazing!  No rain for at least a month and warm, warm, warm!!  

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

John's latest!  Titled "gluten free". 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

For weeks, John has been on a LazyBoy recliner kick. Seems he sat on one for a slow open house & fell in love. As all good design fans know, NO LAZYBOYS allowed. Ran into this red leather number at GW yesterday for $15. It's a bit beat up and not an authentic LB but hey, I'm really jazzed about it!  Matches my rug, reclines all the way back, didn't break the bank, man, I'm good!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Front door project!  Went from blue to black and for a new look, took the bar grids off the storm door. This diy project took for-ev-er. The paint I got was thick, hard to work with and a huge pain in the neck. I still need to seal it but overall I like it. Total cost $8.  

Hard to capture this doorway in photos FYI.

Another thing, how does the glass get so dirty even though it's in a little entry nook?  I don't get the physics. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

So it's official, I'm plunging into Halloween!  I'm biting the bullet & having a costume party too!  I figured instead of talking about doing it, DO it. Should be an experience the boys will remember too which is always a good thing right?

(cool filter makes the pics even look Halloween-y!!)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Grif's get up for wacky Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My coccyx is out o whack. He tried to adjust it with no luck. Gonna try again on Friday. So for now, I'm popping some Aleve, hardcore. 

Can't sleep!  My hip/pelvic pain is so intense this morning. I'm so anxious to see the chiropractor at 10:30 today, I'm hopeful he can adjust me back to normalcy!  

How did you like DWTS mom?  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Homemade French toast! My kids act like I'm a genius when I make it. I should probably make it more!  :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Heres a quick snapshot mom, not a great one but you get the gist right?

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Went blond, like way blond. Not sure yet what to think. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Big day for Burke!! (and Parker!)

Friday, September 9, 2011

I bought myself some fandangled new shoes for my aching feet. My feet are so much better but now my hips kill. Wonder if I need a chiropractor?  

On another note, I got this adorable vintage rubber toy for eBay.....

But the goodwill apparently tattooed  the $4 on it. I've tried everything, nothing will get it off. Dumb. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm back in the Ebay game this week! Listed 16 items yesterday, gotten some bids already! I've also been cleaning Maury's house (for pay), since all the kids headed to college! I'm in uber love with his vacuum cleaner.

On a completely unrelated note, Burke is getting baptized on Sunday! He loves the youth group so we are really excited about it. As we all know, anything to boost burke's confidence is a huge plus!

Let's see, not much else to report. Griffin likes HS, although since his "breakup", his teenage angst is a bit more prominent. I don't like that so much.

I need to tackle some major projects here at home like the garage & basement. I'm desperate for any excuse to avoid those. Yuck.

That's the news for now. No pics this time! Sad. :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The frog started to croak. Woke up the boys, he had  to go back to the wild. Hope the three legs are strong enough to handle it!  Here's a photo montage of his departure.