Thursday, September 23, 2010

The G Man

From 2009 before braces!


(He's not his father's son or anything...check out the poses!)

(dork pose)

Complete stud...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bedroom Clean Up

Burke's room before and after!

Griffin's room before & after!

New listings...

As I've repeatedly told you, I've been busy! I would like to get as much painting done before winter so I can have windows open if I want and work on art when it's 30 degrees, not house stuff. Anyway.... a fair amount of progress has been made upstairs and now I'm onto the steps. Photo's of the boys' rooms will be forthcoming but for now, here's a few new photo's I've listed on Etsy!

I'm in love with this little pixie elf thingy, check out her red hair!

Ultra hilarious spaceman toy, gotta love that quarantine type tool!

The house vote on whether the last one is a squirrel or a skunk is tied. What's your vote?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Frown . . .

It's a sad day around here since I have now cut a hole in the ceiling by the fireplace which then revealed mold! Yeah! So then, I had to remove the entire wall of drywall AND floor boards. Fun times. I'm calling it my new modern industrial look.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New collectible!

Okay, so I picked up two of these glass jar canister thingy's from GW a few months ago and now I'm obsessed with finding more. They are 'mod' and have different colored lids and were made by Heller. Of course, haven't found any 'anywhere!' Keep your eyes peeled for me Becky, Kim and Mom!

ps mom - this is not a photo of mine.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Got Me Some New Specs!

Well, no matter how hard I tried, I could not get a good shot of these glasses from the computer! Too much reflection going on. My glasses broke a few weeks back and I really like wearing them when I do art on the computer so I'm giddy as a school girl for getting these. I'm not sure about them yet. They are bigger than I'm used to and kind of heavy, considering I'm going blind practically. I don't get those super thin lenses, too much $$ for me. Oh, and get this, guess what I have in the back of my eyeball? ? ? ? A mole. I'm a mole freak. Who's ever heard of a mole in the back of an eye? I haven't. Now you can tell that creepy fact to your friends over dinner.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I've finally gotten around to switching from the old blog to the new, so Welcome!

New art is ready to post and sell. Make sure to check out the Etsy shoppe when you get a chance!

Use the words "snap this!" in any convo / invoice and you'll get 10% off any purchase! This will be for the rest of September!

In other news, my little BK has a sore throat today so I'm stuck at home with him. He doesn't grasp why he can't play video games when he's out of school, just doesn't seem fair to him. Mmm hmm. Sore throat - my butt. :) So, my scheduled plans to go look at paint / ceiling fans / household stuff is all out of wack. I do hope this is just a temporary delay and that he really just has a sore throat, not a sick, infected throat. No fever so for now, we are crossing our fingers.

I hope that you have all found me in my new blog 'location'! I adore everyone who reads this and leaves comments, my life would be boring without you!